IT Services For Sacramento Businesses:
Are You A Small-Medium Business Frustrated With The Lack Of Responsiveness And Slow Service From Your Current IT Service Provider?
Give us a call and discover how great local IT services and computer support can be!
Small Business Owners, Call Now For Immediate Support: 916-884-0400
4 Big Reasons to Choose
Gravity IT Solutions to Support
Your Computer Network.
Cybersecurity Experts
Security is paramount and we implement and monitor security best practices for all our clients. We continuously educate our team and our clients on the latest models to keep them safe. Our cybersecurity experts can help protect your company against the latest threats to your business.
A Proactive Approach
Our service philosophy is proactive, not reactive. With state-of-the-art network monitoring and management, we manage your network 24/7 to identify issues and address them BEFORE they become problems, rather than putting out fires.
Local, Personalized Service
Your account will be managed by someone who knows your business and its specific needs. No machines answering your calls, you will speak directly to one of our team members. Your employees can request help via phone, an icon on their desktop, or scheduling an appointment online.
Flexible Options
You can choose the right package for your business needs. We offer hourly rates for specific, one-time projects, as well as a one-flat fee to handle all managed services.
About Gravity IT Solutions
Gravity IT Solutions is a 1-stop shop for your business computer and IT needs. We provide small businesses with high quality, affordable IT services that help them succeed in today's technology arena.